I'm glad this thread has been revived, because I was a jerk and didn't read pan6467's review after the initial post. My bad.
I purposely didn't give you my thoughts before you saw the show, but we all seem to be on the same page here. Paul Rodgers ain't cuttin' it. He's in a difficult position, definitely, but his attempts to make the songs sound different just come off as disrespectful, somehow.
The only good parts of the show were the ones that really featured Brian. He's unbelievable, and forever young. I also saw him in a solo show way back when, and loved it. His tribute to Freddie brought tears to my eyes.
I also give a vote for George Michael, btw. I don't think he'd do a great job on the harder material, but he's the only one I can think of with the range and power even close to Freddie.
(sigh) he really is irreplaceable...
You have to laugh at yourself...because you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't. - Emily Saliers