I have a some question's.
My mother has Paranoid schizophrenia. I know a lot about it.
So what is the % that it could be passed on? I am afraid of that, because I do want to have kids someday.
I have a doctor but she's the type you go to if your sick.
I want to know what type of doctor do I need to go to, to talk about my Mental Health to?
I think I have some sort of Mood Disorder. I have some in mind. I hope it's not what my mom has.
I think it's one of these: *Bipolar disorder
*Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
*Borderline personality disorder
I am always Irritable. I Have a lot of Mood swings.
I have a Inability to deal with stress, I kinda get frantic about stress.
I have a Difficulty controlling emotions.
#1 Anger, sometimes escalating into physical confrontations(I hit or feel like wanting to hurt someone or something)
The list goes on and on.
So, I was thinking about writing down a list of mood problems that I have and I was going to have some family members of mine, my husband and a friend help me list things I do. Then wanted to give it to my Doctor, she is just a normal doctor though.
What do you think I should do?
The QTpie