The Dr was a General Practitioner.
Hubby was not on any antiseizure medications at the time that he began taking Zoloft. This was because the seizure that he did have previously was directly related to his head injury. After 6 months they tested him and took him off the Dilantin.
His primary seizure was a grand mal. I suspect that hubby had numerous petite mal seizures not long after his injury because I would be talking with him and he would stare and blank out for 30 seconds at a time and miss what I'd said or done. I thought it was a result of the Dilantin he was taking at the time because he would slow down a lot after taking each dose and then perk up shortly before the next dose was needed. I thought he was just slowing done. It wasn't until his second seizure that I began to think back and wonder if he wasn't having minor seizures.
Hubby has not taken any more medications for depression. After his second seizure he was put on Lamictal (for seizures) and has been on it ever since. He's managed to get more active and get out more and I believe it helped his minor depression that had come on after his injury. The lamictal does not have NEAR the negative side effects as dilantin did for him and he's fairly content with it. His mood is even and relatively positive, so that he doesn't feel a need to take any antidepressants at this time.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
Last edited by raeanna74; 06-04-2006 at 07:48 PM..
Reason: spelling :rolleyes: