2 missed periods and definitely not pregnant...
So the title explains it, but I'll give the details.
I haven't had a period since March 25th. That was the start date of my last one. Middle of April was stressful at work and I wasn't super surprised when I didn't start at the end of the month. I've been 2 weeks late once before because of stress. But at the beginning of May I took a home preg test just to be sure. It was negative and I just carried on with my life. Work was less stressed and my husband was starting his new job after a brief period of unemployment. I was also enrolled in a CNA class (I start tomorrow). Things were looking up. Well the end of May came and no period. I took another home preg test, it was negative. I spoke with the nurse in my doctor's office when I went in for my TB test I had to get for my CNA class. She scheduled an appointment for me to see my doctor June 8th. This last week I was startng to worry so I went in and got a blood test done to see if I was pregnant. It was negative which wasn't a huge surprise to me, but still it was nice to know for sure.
So work hasn't been stressed lately, my hubby has been working for a few weeks and loves it, my class is starting which I'm super excited about. I'm not really that worried about the whole pregnancy thing, at least not enough to cause this problem. The only thing that has changed recently which I didn't think about at all until I started typing this was that back in March I quit smoking. Well I had been working on it slowly since Jan, but in March
I totally quit. Not sure if that would have this effect or not.
The past 2 months when I was supposed to have my period I would get kind of cranky with PMS and kind of achy but not enough to classify it as cramps, it would last for a few days and then I was okay. But no period. So I am going to see my doctor this Thursday, and they've known for 2 weeks why, guess it wasn't a huge thing to worry about if they didn't get me in right away or send me to another doctor.
Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? Does anyone have any ideas on what it might be? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Cain: I know what you're doing. I've lead troops into battle before.
DG: And, how am I doing?
Cain: Well, there's less *hugging* when I do it