hey i haven't poste din a while. if your a thing guy, i suggest go for slim fit clothes. things that are very well fitted will make u look better.
Check out diesel, earnest sewn, and paperdenim&cloth jeans. pd&c will song go down a lot in price so you might actually want to a wait a bit. these jeans come in some great fits and they are very flattering. my favorite is bootcut. i like a smaller flare at the bottom.
oh ye one of the most important things is that you do not buy baggy clothes. a few baggy pieces to lounge around in or whatever is fine, but overall it looks sloppy. clothes that are nicely fitted dont mean that you will be uncomfortable. in fact they feel better because there isnt all of this extra fabric flapping aorund. check out places like club monaco and even gap (sometimes you can find some great stuff there for real cheap, just dont buy anything with the gap logo on it)
Last edited by Nirvana; 06-04-2006 at 10:25 AM..
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