I think that there are certain degrees of truth, and different people are able to live at different levels.
You can continue to simplifyy truth to the simplest terms you are willing to accept and live it, and no further. Obviously, I subscribe to the Freudian way of thinking...
Although this may be a poor example, it
is four in the morning
"I wake up, shower, and go to work. Although I don't particularily get along with my co-workers, the reason is because they know I do a better job than they do and they resent me for that. When I am done with work, I go home - alone. My last girlfriend dumped me because she "wanted space" and I was smothering her. In college, I could have done better, but my parents didn't really push me. I go out every weekend and have a good time - I work hard and deserve to have fun on the weekends."
"I wake up, shower, and go to work. My co-workers don't really like me because I am too shy to speak with them on a regular basis and just pour myself into my job. When I am done with work, I go home - alone. My last girlfriend dumped me because I am jealous and overbearing. In college, I could have done better, but I'm lazy. I go out every weekend and have a good time."
"I wake up, shower, and go to work. My co-workers don't really like me because I am too shy to speak with them on a regular basis and just pour myself into my job When I am done with work, I go home - alone. My last girlfriend dumped me because I am jealous and overbearing. In college, I could have done better, but I didn't have any motivation. I go out every weekend because excessive drinking helps me forget about my problems"[/
"I both shower and go to work for the most basic of reasons - home, food, and sex. Being hygenic and having wealth will potentially help me obtain sex. Also, having money allows me a have a home to go to and put food on my table. I have a problem with binge drinking"
"I acknowlege that in the grand scheme of things, nothing that I do in my entire life will matter in the long run"
Sorry, I don't mean to sound fatalistic, but I believe that what most people consider "truth" isn't necessarily the simplest truth that can be found, simply the most convienient...