I consdier myself to be quite adept at being honest in a flattering way to females I know. Poetry is something I can do reasonably well and flatter the hell out of someone. Poetry is cool like that though, it's not necessarily "reality" but instead words constructed with the goal of flattery, not honesty. In that instance, it's a different sort of flattery, because it isn't necessarily 100% honesty.
I am not really a big fan of flattery from someone else, but I do really appreciate some sort of indication that they are following me in a conversation. IE, follow-up questions instead of just distractedly saying "Yeeaa.."
Also, a friend of mine uses my name when she talks to me and is about to say something important. IE, "Jim, I was at the store today.. etc." It has a very cool effect, because generally you don't say names when talking in a two person conversation with a friend.
I tend to be very modest, and when flattery is attempted, I generally assume it's either not true or the other party is just saying nice things for the sake of saying them.
I don't go bonkos with the flattery though. Praise from me is a valuable thing, and I don't use it so much that it becomes worthless.
Generally I would say I value common courtesy much more than I do flattery.
Desperation is no excuse for lowering one's standards.
Last edited by Jimellow; 06-03-2006 at 07:53 AM..