Now, if we're REALLY going to talk about kitty abuse, then scroll back up for a moment and take a look at the avatar of the person who started this thread, Ms. Grancey.
Did you see that beautiful, sweet little kitty face?
Then you should know that the avatar's owner changed that innocent little kitty's name to Phototwat for awhile (yes, you read that correctly). She even had an airbrush t-shirt made of the cat's portrait and Phototwat written below.
Then, last weekend, she changed that cat's name again to Ms. New Booty Booty Booty Booty. The cat has been totally scandalized.
Kitty abuse? What do you think? I think it's just a little bit ironic that someone who would name a cat such things should be talking about "cruelty."
Living is easy with eyes closed.
Last edited by warrrreagl; 06-03-2006 at 03:43 AM..