Originally Posted by JinnKai
What if they were so depressed that they wouldn't ever ask for help? They'd never hear it? What if they were reading a web forum? How would you know that they wanted your opinion?
I wouldn't and it's not my problem at that point... I cannot control what other people think or what other people do. If I spent all my time thinking about that, then i probably wouldn't get out of bed in the morning. All a person can do is be concerned with their own environment and act on that.
Originally Posted by JinnKai
If I changed the topic to If I were depressed, I'd be a failure, I'd likely have much friendlier responses. Likewise, it would not be as effective at making others analyze themselves, rather than me.
You would be told emphatically that you weren't a failure and ou would be encouraged to see professional help, and as other self pitying style threads have in the past, the thread would probably be closed.
Originally Posted by JinnKai
Likewise, it would not be as effective at making others analyze themselves, rather than me.
Why is it your business to make others analyze themselves? Who appointed you to this role? All JinnKai can do is worry about JinnKai, other people who have no regular contact wiht him are not his concern.