Originally Posted by Zeraph
Thanks, I think I needed to hear that (only time will tell). Ironically after speaking with so many different people (friends to professors) no one has said that. They all seem to want to push me into grad school.
Hmm, you need a bigger group of friends and professors... or at least get some who are more jaded.

I'm not terribly jaded, but I'm pretty realistic... and after 3 years pursuing a PhD (about halfway through), I'll tell you to listen to madp. You'd better know what you're doing when you apply to grad school, no hemming and hawing or hoping it will be the end-all of your existential crises.
Grad school can be a WONDERFUL time of growth... but if that's the only reason you are going, you're not going to last. Go because there's nothing else that would help you fulfill your life goals, AND go if someone will pay you for it (esp. in your field). I still haven't paid a dime of my own money for my work so far... and I intend for that to continue till the end!
As for the OP!! What a wonderful thing to do... thank you for offering your knowledge and experience to the TFP world.

I actually have a rather banal question, but one I am curious about personally...
I have not been on any kind of meds, but have had depressive tendencies for a good set of years and have been going to counseling for 2+ years. That's helped, but I think what's really helped is that in the last 9-10 months I've been hitting the gym regularly (at least twice a week, up to five times a week). I am noticeably less negative and less prone to depressive bouts, particularly in the last half of those months.
I've heard that regular exercise can have the same effect on a person's depressive state as some medicines... but that it takes longer to see those effects (rather than just taking instant-acting drugs, you have to go to the gym for some 6 weeks or so?). Is this true? And if so, why don't more doctors prescribe regular exercise instead of drugs? Is it the instantaneous gratification thing, or does it really just not work as well?