Originally Posted by BigBen
Thanks for doing this.
This is a serious question, so please understand that I am not on the attack. I wish other physicians would do what you are doing:
I was led to believe that there is a code of ethics or a fee schedule or some kind of club rule that said physicians should not give medical advice over the internet...
It is not possible for me to provide reliable medical advice over the internet. Consider my responses to be no more than "informed opinions." I would never profer specific treatment recommendations in this forum. It would be irresponsible for me to attempt to do so.
I'm like your next door neighbor who also happens to be a doctor, simply sharing some personal opinions over dinner.
So, here are my questions:
How do we change the physician culture such that advice can be sought and given using this media?
What caused you to offer advice?
What instruction has your professional regulatory body given you in regards to internet advice?
Can you tell us how you chose the path of psychiatry, in contrast to another specialty?
Is there a case you were involved in that really stands out in your mind? Why?
I don't know the answer to the first question. I am not politically connected. Physicians typically don't like their cache of knowledge being dispensed informally because it's often irresponsible and difficult to enforce accountability, and because it's bad for business.
I am not offering any advice, medical or otherwise. I am simply offering whatever knowledge I may possess that will allow readers to pursue traditional treatment from their physicians with a little more sophistication and savy.
I chose psychiatry because the disease states interested me.
There are many cases I've seen over the years that were poignant for one reason or another, but I am hesitant to provide "case studies" in this forum for a variety of reasons.
Thanks for your encouragement!