Originally Posted by hiredgun
I think one of the most interesting things about it was how Der Spiegel refers several times to the US' 'de facto defeat' and speaks as if the US has basically failed in Iraq. It's both heartening and depressing to finally see the press put it plainly, though we'd never see that in American press.
Keep in mind that "Der Spiegel" is a leftist magazin, even from an european view. There is no such magazin in the american press (as far as I know).
I would call it "defeat so far" since the US has failed to achieve their major (or so they claimed) goals in Iraq (Peace, stability etc. pp (you know for the people, freedom and stuff ...
)). But maybe, if Hell freezes finally over, they may achieve it (but with the events happened in Haditha it will still take some decades I think)