Gosh, I hadn't seen this thread before, but I'll give you a sum of what my wife and I were doing. We've both added some weight, her's from child bearing, mine from being lazy, overworked, over stressed, etc. On March 4th, we were at the arnold expo for gymnastics, and walked through the fitness expo. Then and there we both decided to go back and try the body for life program again. We had done it before, but gave up. This time we jumped in full force, it's a 12 week program, eating 6 meals a day for 6 days, and one day off. Working out every day except your day off. Aerobics 3 days, and lifting 3 days. I hadn't noticed any difference in my body until about week 9. All my pants/shirts fit differently and I finally noticed an amount of muscle. I guess I could see the muscle since I've lost fat weight. I haven't weighed myself, so I can't say exactly how much I weighed before, or now, but my wife says she has lost 13 lbs., but I'm sure it's more with the muscle gained. We've got a week and a half to go, and so far we've kicked butt!!