Originally Posted by cellophanedeity
I cried a bit, and so did mum, and she's furious because of my lying and my lack of effort, but otherwise both of my parents were very supportive and really want to help. Mum even said that she forgives me for lying.
She's your mum... of course she does...
Originally Posted by cellophanedeity
I'm going to see my doctor soon about my mental state, and if I need counselling I can apparently get it at no charge through mum's work.
Atta girl
Originally Posted by cellophanedeity
Now they just want me to think about what I intend on doing with myself, so I guess I just have to figure that out. I signed up for an openhouse at a school that I'm interested in (despite the crazy price) and I think everything will turn out okay.
Good for you... at your age the sky is the limit as to what you can do with yourself.. you've got so many options... listen to your heart and you'll figure it out...

(check your local library as well for some career type books, they usually have quizzes and such in them to see where your interests lie...
another suggestion I might make, if you can't find a job, is to volunteer - it looks good on a resume and while it m ight not be a paid position, it's still a job that you can learn marketable skills from ..

i think you were doing this during school anyhow... at the sex ed center.. maybe it's something you could continue becuase you seemed to enjoy educating (either that or i haven't been paying enough attention(
Keep your head up... you are OK...