I think everyone will agree being sensitive is considered less manly and that is why I originally worded it like that.
Being sensitive is absolutely NOT less manly, in fact, if a MAN can be sensitive (and I'mn not talking sobbing at some lameass chick flick like Titanic, Brian's Song is a sobbable movie) it means he's aware that other people have feelings and even more so is aware that he has feelings.
Sensitive is not a negative. But like anything it can be taken to an extreme.
There's more than one man here who will admit to crying. Crying over a broken nail, is a little extreme, and I don't think anyone will admit to that, crying because trust was violated by a person who promised to love you til death do them part is acceptable and to be honest, encouraged... men are not machines... they are human beings, and human beings have feelings... feelings get hurt and it's ok to cry when that happens.
Metrosexual and sensitive are really mutually exclusive... metrosexual is a guy who takes some pride in his appearance and uses products to help it along... he might read men's fashion magazines etc, doesn't necessarily make him sensitive... A sensitive guy is one who's really in touch with their feelings (golly that was so 70's psycho babble bs) he's not gonna punch a hole thru a wall because he's pissed at something, he's going to sit down and explain why he's angry.