Originally Posted by NotAnAlias
And another thought, just because porn has changed forms doesn't really mean much. Pornography has been a huge trade which was widely accessable by almost anyone since it's conception, just because it's on the internet now doesn't necessarily mean it's any different. I mean, you still need a bit of privacy, a bit of time, and something to look at, it's not as if porn websites made time stop and people leave you alone. Although part of me wishes they would....:P
I don't believe this is true. Pornography has changed a great deal both in reach and in substance by the internet. The earliest pornography I read a long time ago on fleshbot was something like naked women on vases 4000 BC - neither widely accessible nor a huge trade. I think the availability of pornography has definately changed our society and somehow the internet has made porn less taboo because its a sort of accepted fact that 90% of males who have access to the internet have accessed porn.
I look at a lot of porn and I sympathise with temporary_user on this point. I live with my girlfriend (just the two of us) and probably a percentage of the time I get off to porn I could have been getting off with her - which is really depressing and certainly makes me feel less manly. I find pornography does make me harbour a certain amount of negative/derogatory feelings towards women and I find it makes me less "hungry" to play the predator or even to talk to girls I don't know. On the flip side - a lot of girls like it when you are not going straight for their pussy so its a two way street everything in moderation and everything. I see it very much like a drug and that is ok to look at a bit but must be respected for its power to shape who you are.