Originally Posted by percy
Well I'll assume that is directed at me so,.....I'll temper my semantics from here on in. But I'll also send you a pm when the conservatives are called baby killers and racists and when Harper is called an idiot or moron.
Then you can repost similar thoughts for no other reason but to be non-biased 
Absolutely. I don't say this as a personal attack, I just say that too many arguements boil down to "You're a conservative rascist" or "You're a liberal Hippy", OR end up as silly debates on semantics. "You mispelled liberal so your entire opinion is OBVIOUSLY discredited", you know what I mean?
Me and you Percy, we're obviously on seperate ends of the political spectrum, but I'll bet you any money that if we sat down over a beer, we'd agree on more than we disagreed on. Thats the purpose of discussions like these.
I want your opinion. I want everyone's opinion. I just worry that this board will go the way of Tilted Politics, where partisan bias and spelling becomes more important than personal values and opinion.