Originally Posted by smooth
How do you take a sentence granting authority for the presidency to enforce laws and interpret that to mean that the passage also gives him authority to create policy/law (legislative branch) and/or interpret whether a law or its implementation is constitutional (judicial branch since Marbury)?
Since the USSC has already ruled that 'line item veto' is unconstitutional, the president appears to be using a similar process to bypass the wishes of congress. All this means is that Congress is failing in its own responsibility to hold the president accountable by censure or impeachment, something I said in an earlier post.
Originally Posted by smooth
It's reasoning like the above that compels me to continually urge you to attend a constitutional law class or a legal reasoning course. IF you ever make it to West Coast, please PM me because I will personally see to it that you can sit in one of my classes or a colleague's.
Hence the problem with the interpretation of the constitution today. The constitution was not written so that only scholars could understand it. It was written so that ordinary men could understand it. As a man with a huge interest in becoming a lawyer, do not be surprised if I do PM you for information.