I think this issue needs to be resolved through inspections. The path of attempting to stop the development of nuclear plants is not going to work partly because China and Russia view differes in this respect to that of the US. If a more lenient approach were taken and then Iran decided not to comply with inspections and it appears they're heading down the nuclear weapons route the stronger actions can be implemented with support of China and Russia. Currently I think the more hardline approach is doing more harm than good, there's no united support, nor is there a legal reason under the NPT.
The rhetoric is keeping both sides apart. Ahmadinejad's rhetoric is raising legitimate concerns in Israel and western countries. Coupled with the thoughts that Iran may be on the path (albiet a long one) to developing nuclear weapons increases these concerns to an extent that they can no longer be ignored as the ravings of a fundementalist that may not have that much real power when it comes to these issues (I posses only vague notions of the internal structure of the government of Iran). If Iran were not currently involved in this dispute Ahmadinejad's views would be assertively rejected , as is the case now, but then largely forgotten.
A more lenient approach that opens some dialogue is the only way I can see of keeping the situation under control. The hard part would be to couple this acceptance of Iran building nuclear power stations with sufficient controls and inspections to be confident that there is no secret weapons program.
Edit: Just thought I might add that anybody who thinks there is not sufficient evidence to say that the holocaust occured is having their perception clouded by their prejudice.
"I am the wrath of God. The earth I pass will see me and tremble." -Klaus Kinski as Don Lope de Aguirre
Last edited by aKula; 05-31-2006 at 05:20 AM..