Thanks everyone! We've both calmed down now and are talking ....... although a little strained.
Forgiveness. What are you trying to forgive? I am having trouble untying your thread (hahaha, see what I did there?) and need a little direction.
BigBen - I feel I needed to forgive him because I still like him and can kind of understand why he was so mad. It was more the method of his ways that I don't agree with. I don't want to not talk to him, because I feel bad for hurting him in the sense that he has feelings for me.
It really did freak me out thinking he'd looked my friend up, but he's said I apparently told him his name and discovered where he lived by seeing him whilst patrolling ..... not too sure on this bit.
But this situation aside, I've always been one to hold a grudge. I'm getting better, but sometimes it eats away at me so much and makes me feel SO angry towards the other person. How do you learn to let things just slide, ignore them and basically just get over it? Am I off on a tangent here?