I work in home health care. Part of this job is I become privvy to things in people's personal lives that I really don't want nor need to know. Right now I'm taking care of an older lady, M, who is living on food stamps and a social security pension, like most older people.
Two months ago she fell and broke four ribs. Her doctor gave her a perscription for hydrocodine, 90 pills for a one month supply. She has four more refills on her bottle. Her next door neighbor, Mike, apparently has connections and offered to buy pills from her and resell them, giving her $3 a pill.
Now, this is definitely something I DON'T want to know and I DON'T want to be a part of. I just found out about this little arrangement about a week ago. Now, it gets a little more intresting today when I find out that M gave Mike 80 pills and he only gave her $40 for them. So not only is he buying drugs off of a little old lady (telling her that they're for people he knows who need them but can't afford them) but he's shortchanging her in the process. I told her he owes her more money, and that she should take it up with him.
BUT I know this whole thing is illegal. I'm privy to information that I REALLY DON'T WANNA KNOW, and I really don't want to see M being screwed over by this fuckwad redneck with a 9th grade education. So, do I keep quiet about it? Tell my employer? Tell the police? I've thought about calling the police anonomously and saying that Mike is selling pills and just keeping M outta the whole thing. I imagine that M would get into trouble if it came out that she was selling her pills to Mike, even though she's an old lady who's going a little bit batty.
What in Christ's name should I do?