Paranoid schizophrenics can take control over their hallucinations and delusions, the same way a bipolar person can take control over their own behaviour. It's a matter of self awareness and understanding. A therapist can help a person reach that level of understanding - but all it takes is someone with the ability to look deeply and truthfully into themselves - and accept whatever it is they come to find there.
Coddling someone who has reached rock bottom like this just perpetuates the undesirable and life-threatening behaviour - you need to be honest, and firm, and have a kind heart.
So madp if you misunderstood my post, I'm sorry - I feel for you Sharon, I really do - but you can't allow yourself excuses - you do need to change your life for the better - cheap, humiliating sexual encounters are not going to do that for you. You really do deserve better - no matter what you may think.