Originally Posted by Acetylene
Of course she doesn't yet believe you--you're only a few weeks into this and most people don't believe others can change. Keep it up and you'll win her over again--she loved you once, surely she can love you again!
I would recomend you try to figure out some help for yourself in maintaining your current good behavior, so you don't start to slip up. If you have been helping with the laundry for three weeks, but then you forget twice in one week, she wil think "Huh, I thought it could never last and I was right." So, make yourself a chart or calender to remind yourself of what you promised to do and when. Also you can try keeping a journal of the things you've done right, and that will help remind you to keep doing them. That last thing is especially helpful if you're still struggling with the depression you mentioned before.
It's not really like that. I'm not swimming against the current, I really have changed. I do those things around the house because they need done not just because I want to impress her. Marriage is a partnership and I need to treat it as such. They aren't her jobs I'm helping her with, they are our jobs.
Not to get too deep into our issues but my parents were not supportive people at all. When I wanted to go to college they told me, "Why? You'll just flunk out and waste all that money." But my wife stood behind me and held me up, she said, "You can do this." and I graduated from college with honors. Then I dove into my career and forgot her and the family. I'm still stunned that I did such a thing. It makes me sick to think I could be so thoughtless and uncaring towards someone that was so supportive to me.
Currently she does a direct sales business. She sells wonderful all natural soaps and skin care products. She really believes in the company and works really hard at it. So much that she has become their top seller for the last 2 years. In the past I was always complaining that she was off hosting those parties to sell these products because I had to be home early so she could get there on time. My work has very flexible hours and I could have made it work out. What an ass I was! Now I get my butt into work as early as possible daily so now she not only has the time to get to her parties but also on days she doesn't have a party I'm home so she can get work done while I play with the kids. That's the way a partnership should be. I want to support her the way she did me. She asked me to go with her to their national convention this year and I plan on being the biggest cheerleader for her. She more than deserves it.
BTW, if you are interested in her great products PM me and I'll give you the web link. They are really nice and smell so good on her and I assume other women too. She would love the unexpected business.