Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
Romance Silver doesn't smell fruity to you? I got spicy watermelon when I tried it.
I guess I meant compared to the typical Abercrombie or whatever else kids these days are wearing. Like I said though, my fragrance knowledge is zero, so maybe I'm thinking of something different when I say fruity.
I don't usually reccommend big name mainstream fragrances, but if you want something for when you're dresssed up that can still manage to not seem out of place day-to-day, Chanel Allure Homme is a great fragrance. John Varvatos is a strong scent (impression-wise, not smell-wise) and is one that I use with a suit. For soemthing completely different but suited to your occasions, Dzing! by L'Artisan Parfumeur is somethign that must be tried at least twice before deciding on it, as it smells a bit different every time you smell it.
Thanks a lot for the recommendations, now any ideas on where to find these fragrances in stores?