I am in my 28th year on planet earth, and it seems that this is the year that I have decided to become self conscious about my body hair. I have a good amount of it, mainly on my upper chest, where a thick mat has been growing since my mid teen years. Lately I've noticed it's growing on my shoulders and mid back, which I HATE, and also on my belly around my navel, which also is starting to bug me.
I've had two opinions on the subject - shave/wax/pull it off or just get used to it... But I've decided to follow bits of advice from both categories. I've decided I am going to wax my shoulders and back, and leave the rest. Hell, chest hair is normal, and I think even a little sexy, in moderation. Back hair, not so much, unless your whole back is hairy. If you've just got whisps, as I have, on your back, I think that's ugly. So I'm gonna get rid of it. I am only going to wax my back in the summer months and leave it in the winter...
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys