Originally Posted by dksuddeth
I see what you were saying now, but that issue isn't going to get fixed until science can show with 485% verifiable scientific proof that homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexualism, and every other gender identity-ism is not a 'choice' but a bonafide genetic trait.
I agree, as far as societal attitudes.....but...when it comes to what public school administrators choose to expose students to....they seem to have an obligation not to put some students in entirely avoidalbe situations where they receive a message that is contradictory to medical practice, or threatens self esteem. When schools start down a religiously driven "road" that exposes students to "therapy" choices that are not medically approved, for "disorders" that are specifically ruled out medically as pathological or treatable, or even as "abnormal", where does it stop?
Intelligent design and creationism are controversial, but they are not health or self esteem issues. Sexual preference and orientation are considered to be non-negotiable choices and a normal part of development, by those licensed medical practioners who treat abnormalities. Public schools need to be "in synch" with public health policy and medical science. Will schools next offer speakers a forum who promote "reparation therapy" to "cure" "self abuse", delivered by ex-masturbators? Will ex-birth control pill ingestees take the stage at schools to relay a message that it is abnormal to take the pill to regulate hormone imbalances.
Will schools next permit speakers who discredit medically approved treatments for medically recognized disorders......maybe surgery or blood transfusions, or even antibiotics, on religious or prevelant socially prejudicial grounds.
"Race mixing" can lead to challenges in life, as difficult in some locales as those that same sex couples are often confronted with. Should "ex-race mixers" be given a forum to guide students into avoidance of a lifetime of being stared and pointed at, in public, or for bearing mix raced children who suffer from the effects of prejudice?
Once the door is open to allow a message to students from allegedly "rehabbed" "ex" practitioners of a given practice....the inference, by the very presence and message of these speakers....at a school....is that students are doing something that is abnormal or unapproved....and that their conduct or orientation must be "repaired" or changed to a "more normal" or more "positive" level.