Originally Posted by maleficent
Pet's cost money... pet's are not a necessity, they are optional, if a person can't afford the care that goes into having a pet, then they have no business having one.
I've been saying this of people having children for years, and I whole-heartedly agree with its use on cats here as well.
It should be law everywhere.
Originally Posted by genuinegirly
The humane society has it wrong.
Altering animals is cruel.
The humane society does not have it wrong, they're looking at it on the grand scale. They're tired of having to put down cat after cat because there are way too many of them and they certainly don't have the means to indefinitely house them- so, they get put down. Not to mention that not everyone wants a ton of cats just roaming around where they live.
Also: we perform tons of procedures on humans every single day that accomplish the exact same thing- disconnecting the reproductive system. It's a very safe, well-established surgery. Exactly what part of that is cruel? It's cruel to have to put down tons of cats because you demand that the cat orgies continue, littering the country with unwanted cats. And yes, they're unwanted. Responsible pet owners help keep the population down by taking care of business.
If you don't like the law, go give enough money to the humane society to indefinitely house and feed and care for all the cats you're creating by promoting the free fornication of felines. Until someone can do that, we have to live in the real world, and we have to curb their population.