I watched Disc one of the series? "The 4400" yesterday and
wondered if anyone had seen it and knew some of it's history.
(I should GOOGLE the name and I will.) The story is about
some of the 4400 abducted people who seem to have been taken
by Space Aliens for several years from various places on
Earth and then returned in mass near Seattle,Washington. The
Homeland Defence Org. has the task of finding out what did
happen but none of the returnees can remember anything. Slowly
we learn that many (or all) of the 4400 have been sent back
with SPECIAL POWERS. One high school boy seems to be able to
HEAL people and animals,birds,etc., One man seems to be able
to cause heavy duty vibrations and force fields around him
when he is angry or disturbed. One little 8 year old girl has
the power to see into the future a few hours or days. Another
young man thinks he has added strength and the ability to
fight 3 or 4 others at the same time and win.
Not as good I think as the "X-Files", The 4400 seems to be a
series I never heard of and maybe it is one that went straight
to DVD. Anyone have any info. for me about this TV series from
Netflix now on DVD?