Ask a Jaded Mental Health Professional
I'm a psychiatrist, and I've worked in the mental healthcare industry in a variety of capacities for over 15 years. I have expertise in psychological test batteries, diagnosis, insight-oriented and dynamic psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, and research. If I haven't seen and treated (or attempted to treat) a particular mental affliction, it hasn't been discovered yet.
If anyone has any questions about issues pertaining to mental health issues, I would be happy to offer whatever insight my training and experience may offer. Fire away. . . I am your humble servant.
Any responses I provide on this board SHOULD NOT be considered by any means to be a substitute to consultation with your own physician. It is not possible to accurately diagnose and make sound treatment recommendations based on interactions on a message board. I am simply providing my personal opinion, based on my training and background, in an effort to help whoever is interested become a more informed consumer when they seek appropriate medical care. Thanks!
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
Last edited by madp; 06-01-2006 at 12:45 PM..