Seeking a DVD label/sorting method...
I watch and record a lot of sporting events on my DVD Recorder. As a result, I am starting to get a small colelction (20+) of DVDs that are currently unlabeled or generally in temporary cases with paper inserts and written descriptions.
My goal is to organize these DVDs in a way that I will be able to easily access and find them when I desire to watch one in the future, potentially years from now.
Initially I was going to print out labels to be "stuck" to the DVD itself via "Stomp It" but then decided that paying for the specialized paper may not be the most cost conscious method. I've already read somewhere that paper labels on a DVD can somehow affect their lifespan negatively.
I have been putting my open wheel racing DVDs in very thin "Imation" cases and making my own paper CD slips, but this method will ultimately result in independent stacks, that would likely result in DVDs being lost or misplaced over time.
The other option is writing on the DVD itself and storing the DVDs in a DVD Booklet or similiar carrying case type device. Assuming that is the method I go with, I'd appreciate recommendations on reasonably priced CD booklets, that are gentle (don't damage) on the DVD surface, and also reasonably priced.
Also, what type of writing utensil is best used for labeling DVDs? Ideally, I'd be looking for something with a fine point, and a long lasting, non-smearing ink. Again, being reasonably priced is important.
Lastly, if anyone has alternative suggestions in regards to storing and labeling DVDs, I'd really appreciate it if you shared them.
Desperation is no excuse for lowering one's standards.