Originally Posted by host
Dilbert....you're serious, aren't you?
Wouldn't it be cheaper for foundries to use your "gravitational energy equals heat theory" to achieve casting and smelting temperatures, than to pay the electric bills to run their furnaces from dead cold to melt? The NYFD poured huge volumes of water on the debris piles for at least a month after the collpases. Why was molten metal only found underground? Wouldn't metal wreckage from upper floors, already partially heated from the "destructive" fires, have a head start in creating similar molten metal conditions near or at the surface of the debris piles. NIST's own inventory report stated that investigators expected to find WTC 1 & 2 airliner impacted material at or near initial debris recovery areas (wreckage from upper floors on top of debris piles.)
See here is our problem; you have a lack of knowledge about physics, conservation of energy and many other things in the realm of science, and your rude comments show it. There is a great deal of energy stored when you lift an object, roughly equal to the energy spent lifting it, it’s a bit more to overcome any resistance of lifting it (air resistance as an example)
To get you caught up to speed, please read these 2 articles on gravitational potential energy.
And please check your understanding with this:
now that you have an elementary understanding of potential energy, you can understand why your response is so ludicrous, to get that potential energy you have to expend more energy to store it, and since burning fuels is a far more effective way to transfer this energy to melt the steel, than it is to drop it, the foundries have chosen to use fire rather than the ‘dropping method’. Although dropping the metal will heat it, it would be more cost effective to just use a furnace.
As for why the inside of the rubble was hotter then the outside, that is due to the insulating effect that the outer layers provide to the inner layers, most of the material in the tower is a poor conductor of heat, so the heat stayed trapped inside. As for the lack of molten metal on the out side, again it would not be insulated and thus cool quickly. Not to mention most of the heat was generated by the pressures created by the upper rubble on the lower rubble, again placing the hottest parts deeper.
Originally Posted by host
How about providing one reputable scientific source who supports your theory of high temperatures resulting from gravitational effects from a building collapse. Or....any examples from controlled demolition via implosion of a tall building.
Here is the backing:
and another
Further more, to my knowledge there has been no metallurgical analysis of the molten metal; for all we know it could be something other than steel with a lower melting point, I see the beam glowing red, and then something dripping off of it, but there is nothing to say that the dripping is not another metal that the beam was sitting in a pool of. Furthermore the only record of anyone saying there was molten steel in the wreckage was second hand, and denied by the person who allegedly spoke it. As seen here:
Originally Posted by host
Wouldn't the heat from the collapse of a smaller building be enough, if you are correct, to ignite lower temperature, post collapse, fires?
Again the lack of scientific knowledge on the subject. The smaller the building the smaller the amount of energy, as the height increases, the energy increases exponentially, as the height shrinks, it decreases exponentially, so no a smaller building would not have this problem to this degree, if at all.
And if you are still unsure about the ‘pull it’ comment regarding the 7th tower please read the following, it’s quite comprehensive.
please take some of your free time, and enroll in a physics class at your local community college, you may also want to enroll in a calculus class as well, as physics and calculus go hand in hand.