Originally Posted by nezmot
Because only a complete fool would condemn his own country to obliteration by sanctioning the use of a nuclear weapon against another country. We've been through the whole M.A.D. escalation phase, people are aware than there is no such thing as a 'limited' nuclear strike without the other side retaliating with everything they have.
If people are crazy enough to be suicide bombers, what would prevent them from wiping out massive numbers of infidels? Wouldn't that just assure them of a better situation on the right hand of Allah?
Your scenario also doesn't include the obvious tactic of making a nuclear attack appear to have originated from a country other than one's own. This thread alone includes comments from many people who require a great deal of evidence in order to be convinced of which countries possess nukes.
Originally Posted by nezmot
Terrorist (secret) usage of these weapons would not be something to hide behind either, any state even looking as though it might be responsible for an aggressive nuclear act would be toast - and they know it.
U.S. possession of nuclear weapons hasn't deterred terrorist attacks so far.