Personally, I'd pay someone to do it for me, but that's because I've done it before and hated it.
First, I don't think you'll find an out-of-the-box system. You're going to have to design it to your own needs and specs. You need to figure out what needs water and what really needs water - i.e. you don't want the same head servicing both turf and new trees. You'll either drown the trees or burn out the turf. There's no happy medium in that situation. Popup heads are great for turf because they can deliver a lot of water, but if they get jammed you'll just end up lopping off the head with your mower.
You can see what brands the big box retailers (Home Depot, etc.) have available, but you might be better served (again) by getting a professional involved to help you at least design the system. There are brands on the market that measure the amount of rain received and adjust the schedule accordingly - in other words, they won't come on during a rainstorm. Those may only be available commercially, though, or out of your price range.
Here's my pet peeve that I'll leave you with - never, ever, ever water during the middle of a sunny day. It is the biggest waste of water since the turf can't absorb it.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo