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Old 05-26-2006, 09:44 AM   #77 (permalink)
Location: Kelowna BC
I do not consider myself religious, or politically aware.

Although, I have studied a few religions throughout high school, and have some knowledge concerning the most popular religious views accepted. The views presented in these religions I consider to be only philosophy; most have flaws, and all can be questioned. This is the reason I do not consider myself to be religious. I consider myself to be a philosopher. Questioning the the most simple morals of my culture from a young age, there has always been an inner-understanding that all views should be considered and then validated.

My opinion for politics are completely different.

All I have heard from a young age is that all politicians, and political parties have their positive and negative aspects. Most politicians, and political parties are corrupt in some way. The people working with the government are payed, so they shouldn't abuse it for their own benefit. Every job has it's perks, but manipulating the system for a select few instead of the greater good isn't a very fair form of running any social group.

We gave them our trust to run the country, since we may not be capable of doing an equal or better job. Conspiracy theories, hidden agendas, closed room meetings and classified documents are usually explained to be secretive for national security. I cannot trust this though. All secretive documents are like bottles underneath the sink without any labels. Would you like a label before you used, or even allow these bottles to be sitting in your house without being aware of what they are capable of. The bottles are kept behind locked doors by the government, but they are still being used in our country. How am I supposed to trust my government if they are not able to trust me? I do not vote, I do not watch politics, for I don't know which bottles they are going to be using.
Xenogears - Stand tall and shake the heavens
Socrates - The unstudied life, is not worth living

Last edited by X3N0; 05-26-2006 at 09:52 AM.. Reason: Grammar and Continuity
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