No Soup: There is merit to your comment. There is most certainly an association with dark/light, black/white valuation ascribed to so-called racial properties (in your example it isn't the only condition). There was a test done with kids: they were shown dolls of diiferent races and asked to pick out the pretty ones. Every single time the kids chose the white dolls over the black, brown, Asian ones.
At this point in time, there is a perception that white (from a racial perspective) is better or sets the standard.
Personally, I think we are headed in a direction of "mixed" ethnicity or so-called race as being the new standard. Which I think is cool. We as a society are way too race or ethnicity obsessed as it is. I personaly feel so-called race and the ethnic myth has zero bearing or qualitative measure on people. But for now, we have some hurdels to get over but that's all part of the process.