i haven't read macleans but i will look for it
for news, i get harpers and foreign affairs (6 per year). i like both of them although i don't always have the time to read everything. my favorite part of harpers is the first third of each issue where they reprint interesting and unusual primary-source material.
foreign affairs is great for world issues. the articles are longer (and each issue is pretty thick) but i'd say it's at a high school reading level. i like foreign affairs because it shows a broader range of views than other magazines. i've only been able to read parts of each issue, but i've learned quite a bit. you can check
www.foreignaffairs.org or
www.cfr.org to see examples of articles and topics.
if you're looking for something with shorter tidbits of news, maybe
The Week would be good. i have no idea what it's like, but i keep getting junk mail and mag inserts from them. it's marketing itself as a "smarter" news magazine, so maybe it is.