I'm guessing the reason Harper is doing this is because much of what is spoken of him,...ie Acting like Dubya, is trying to turn Canada into an American style entity, is a weak leader etc etc etc etc is because so many everyday citizens have believed hook line and sinker in this nonsense and repeated these same inconsistencies over and over again.
As for people who question Harpers accountability at this early stage, yet voted Liberal in the last election, give your heads a shake.You are the last people who should comment on accountability after the corrupt Liberals made you and everyone else in this country look like fools.
Do I like what Harper has done? In the short term yeah. It's nice to see the sublimely subjective media get bitch slapped once in a while. But if he keeps it up, he might pay for it. But probably not. Canadians don't have memories like elephants do, but if they have I'm sure some spin can come out of the conservative media to take the heat off,...maybe something like the AMERICAN owned Tim Hortons running out of coffee or Canadian cable companies not showing American shows like 24, Lost or whatever.Tsk Tsk.
Now play nice boys.