I was reading
this thread regarding Dove's "Real Women" campaign, and it jogged my memory of what I believe is a rather disturbing trend I have been noticing lately.
Now, to kick things off, I'm first going to get all my disclaimers out of the way - I'm not racist nor anything of the sort. I realize that this may turn into a controversial thread, as it does deal with race indirectly, but please keep it civil folks. I'm trying to look at the bigger picture from the societial point of view.
Also, I just threw these together in photoshop real quick. A picture here or there may be misleading because of the lighting/flash or whatever, but by and large I think that this holds true.
So, with no further ado....
And it doesn't just apply to women... (I'm gonna leave Michael Jackson out of this... for obvious reason

Notice anything? As my ultra-subtle background conveys, often times "beautiful" black people are becoming whiter and whiter - especially when they are being photographed for a magazine, or in a movie, ect. Granted, there are exceptions, but this seems to be the general rule of thumb.
Don't get me wrong, I think all the chicks pictured are pretty smokin' hot, but it surprised me that the photos taken for a larger audience, they consistantly show up lighter in color.
Now I ponder, what does this mean? Could it be that although America "accepts" black people in the entertainment industry as a whole, they still must go through the utter ridiculousness of making themselves appear whiter? If that's the case, has America as a whole really accepted black people - or are we just a bunch of closet bigots?
I'd go on, but I want to see where the discussion leads before I pipe up again - I look forward to the responses...