Originally Posted by Lady Sage
I'm such a girl! EYES EYES EYES!!!! A good pair of honest eyes, a great personality and please god give him brain cells that work!!!!!
The rest is proverbial Gravy. A man must first make love to my mind in order to make love to my body otherwise... ACCESS DENIED.
Thank God it wasn't based on looks or I'd have never gotten access to the best life, spiritual and sexual partner I have ever had.
For me personally, I am attracted first to the eyes, they are the window to the soul and can tell you so much.
From there it is the heart, honesty (with others and self), soul, love and care that the woman shows.
And finally the intelligence.
I have dated very beautiful women only to be turned off by their attitudes and their greed and hunger.
I have dated women that aren't outwardly beautiful but their hearts were extremely beautiful.
I liken it to this...... if I marry a woman for her outwardly beauty and possessions and she is in a car accident and loses everything, what do we have left?
If I marry a woman that challenges my mind, forgives my eccentricities (which the fair and lovely Lady Sage can tell you I have many of), and love me for who and what I am, then I have the world and shall be happy for all time.
I am extremely lucky in that Lady Sage has all the above and is as beautiful inside as she is outside. I could never find anyone more attractive in every way, as she is to me.
(I am such a sentimentalist and suck ass how does she put up with me?