Originally Posted by NoSoup
I'm not really certain that it has anything to do with a drunk tank, I've always looked at is as more of a rather humorous quote regarding the differences between a friend and a best friend. In fact, I had this quote here on the TFP waaaay before I even started drinking.
I imagine losing my license would have an impact not only on my investments, but on my life as a whole. The couple thousand bucks would suck to pay, but I'd still be fine.
However, since I absolutely do not drink and drive, we probably don't have to worry about that now, do we?
**Edit** Meh, I'll just fix my sig...
Lindy here, editing just to show the sig to which "we" were referring:
A good friend would drive 30 miles at 2:00 am to bail you out of jail.
A best friend, however, would be sitting in the cell next to you saying "Man, that was F'n Awesome!"
OK, I sit corrected. I am perhaps over-sensitive to this, as my ex husband was a practicing drunk that took it very lightly. I bailed him out more than once. I learned later that a "best friend" (or spouse) should not bail someone out, and certainly not more than once. But that is a discussion for another forum.