Originally Posted by percy
Yup and the only people whining are the liberal media and liberals themselves. It truely is interesting how far some people heads are so far up their you know what that little stipid matters like talking to the media or lowering a flag is taken as the all important matters of the country.
To me that says Harper is doing a good job so far.
I wish my memory was so good to remember when Chretien would walk past reporters after any number of scandals and didnt say boo.But that doesn't count. It never does when one is a bleeding heart liberal
huh? such paranoia/bigotry... why say liberals are bleeding heart? And if they are, what is the issue with that? I cannot think of any more conservative a value than good old traditional Canadian concern for the fellow person. I truly object to the characterization of bleeding heart-ism as being A) a bad thing and B) a Liberal thing.
As for Harper doing a good job so far: I like his stance on Afghanistan, but the devil is in the details. He needs to rise above being perceived as petty as is illustrated in the press conference thing, and the whole tempest around the coverage of the return of our dead soldiers or his snub of McGuinty This is not becoming. Statesmanship is applicable at home as well as abroad.
I am also waiting anxiously for his election plank of income splitting for single income families. This is the nuts and bolts of life, and the main promise that I liked from him. I am also awaiting the securing of our sovereignty in the North. But... He deserves some time on these major issues andI will wait, as I have given fair time to Martin.
People always have good memories of that cretin Chretien (even though his one smart act of keeping Canada out of Iraq on the eve of a Quebec election was a stroke of genious) but I've noticed that they have very poor memories of the scandals that rocked the Mulroney gov't. There's a reason that the Liberals had the mandate for sooooooo long.
Now, I propose that we desist from slagging based upon the positioning of a party, as we cansee there is very little difference between Libs & cons, but take a look at the details, and how they behave themselves. As Chretien was petty with the Pepper Spray incident (his joking of pepper on a plate swayed me away from voting for him ever again) so is Harper in this latest behaviour.