Originally Posted by Catdaddy33
Jack said he has a "plan" not sure if that involved getting caught, not to mention Sayid, Jin, and Sun are still around. When the explosion went off was Sayid back on the boat? It will be interesting to see what exactly happened to the hatch.
Yeah, he was back on the boat.
The ending to the Michael/Walt saga was pretty damn lame. What about Walt's voodoo powers? How is it the 'good' guys let Michael, who shot two people and led 4 others into a trap, get a boat and, presumably, his freedom?
Oh well...
I really, really enjoyed the look on Desmond's face when he told John he crashed the plane, brutha.
Speaking of Des..it's a shame they brought him and Clancy Brown back, just to kill 'em off again.
Did anybody hear all the audio 'weirdness' going on? At first, I thought it was just my local affiliate (It was 'severe thunderstorm' alert night on KSPR), but I've seen a couple of other fellows mention the same thing. It kind of reminded me of the old film projector movies they used to show us in high school. It happened a couple of times, but the only one I can recall specifically was when Charlie and Claire were talking on the beach near the end.