I don't remember being called anything other than my name (or a few choice curse words on occassion) as a child.
My kids have pretty "normal" names (possibly because I don't!), but do NOT like the shortened versions. David hates to be called Dave or Davy, for instance. I've called him butthead a couple of times lately. ;-) Brian was Bri sometimes until he protested that he hated it. Michael (who can't stand Mike or Mikey) has always been Stinky Face. Probably because the book came out when he was little and has always been one of his favorites. ("I love you, Stinky Face" by Lisa Mccourt)
All three of my boys have been "Boy" too, or "Baby Boy" or collectively the Boybarians. That started when the doctor first said, "It's Boy" instead of "it's A boy" for David's ultrasound. The nurse was so tickled she actually put that on the printable pictures: Boy Morris instead of Morris boy.
Our baby girl is Baby Girl a lot. Angelina becomes Lina or Angel usually, with a few Miss Thang, Diva, and simply Baby. I've called all of them Peanut in utero before they were named. And we've both called all of them little bug or my bug or baby bug when they're brand new.
I don't think they mind their nicknames. In fact, some of the foster children we've kept have wanted nicknames too - they feel left out. I'll read "I Love You, Stinky Face" to a whole group of kids and my kids will proudly proclaim with pride that THEY are the big, scary ape, the slimey swamp creature, and Stinky Face, respectively. They'll speculate on which monster Lina will be (She's still too young to have earned a Stinky Face monster.), make their suggestions, then the foster children will pick which ones they want me to call them. It's cute. :-) It provides them with a sense of belonging, of family solidarity, and an inside joke to boot. It's a really special moment to be able to trade secretive smiles with my 3yr old when I call him Stinky Face in a store. I'll say, "Sit in the buggy or you're going to fall and get hurt, Stinky Face." Or "Stinky Face, if you run away again you'll have to ride in the buggy." He'll grin back at me and say something like "I love you too, Mommy."
Mojodragon calls all the kids the same nicknames I do, except the Stinky Face ones. He has a few extras for Angel. He'll call her Daddy's Girl, Daddy's Angel, Angel Eyes, Princess, etc...
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.
--Douglas Adams