Creating the user with the same name and password wont work, you needed to make a recovery agent before all this happened, exported it's certificate somewhere safe, you would use it to recover your data. I store mine in a locked RAR file, with an extra 2 mb of Shakespeare (to make encryption of the RAR even harder) you would import the certificate onto a use on the computer used to recover the data giving you access.
Here is a good article about it, actually it’s a 5 part article
And Microsoft’s stance on it
In your case, there are few options, I don’t know of any programs that will allow you to brute force it, I hope some one can recommend one. Encryption is not based just off of the user name and password, it goes much deeper. By default windows uses a 1024 bit RSA encryption, so you’re in trouble for cracking it. This is all assuming you’re not in a domain environment, if you are a larger cooperation and have a windows server domain, talk with your net admins, they should be able to get it back in a few minutes.