Originally Posted by nezmot
....So, respect to stevo - I'm glad you're unafraid to stand up and point out when someone is slipping up. Having said that, willravel is right too - it doesn't mean a badly spelled opinion has no merit - it just really gets on my nerves.
/rant over/
As Bill Maher sez....."NEW RULE"....if you're gonna throw stones at someone else's spelling, make sure that you don't live in a glass house....
"NEW RULE"....if you're gonna rant about someone else's spelling, make a well researched and referenced post, along with your rant.....
Originally Posted by stevo
You've got to be kidding me. You say it makes me look bad. ok, if those were the only 2 posts in the thread you've read. There are plenty of <b>arguements</b> as to why it is thought by a wide range of people across the globe that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. You would have to ignore most of 3 pages of this thread and base your view on two posts to come up with the way you took my post: "this guy doesn't have any good argument against the points made, so he's attacking the poster."
Maybe I see the previous post as <b>assanine</b> and not worthy of an actual rebuttle so instead of reiterating points already made I decided to point out how horribly "Israeli" was spelled.
stevo....two words that you included above are actually spelled:
<a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=asinine&spell=1">asinine</a>
<a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=arguments+&spell=1">arguments</a>
stevo, I want to remind you, again...that you "know" what you read. If you read what the neocons, like Stephen Bryen, co-founder with his wife, Shoshona Bryen.....of the U.S. "mossad franchise" called JINSA, clog the media and PR's with.....you will probably support "pro neocon" policy and goals.....
I wrote about Stephen Bryen's "cooperation" with mossad here, and about JINSA and it's "directors" and past affiliates, including more than 100 former U.S. flag officers, Cheney, and Bolton. Bryen's "background" is detailed in the counterpunch.org link, and in the tfproject.org link, above it:
<b>If you believed this Stephen Bryen "cheerleader" piece on the eve of invasion with Iraq....check again. Nothing that he wrote, turned out to be true.....he had the huevos to trot out the fear "hype" of associating the technology of the bio-chemical "mobile waepons labs", with anthrax "attacks in the U.S. The "mobile" trailers did not exist....but they were Powell and Bryen's "smoking guns".</b>
February 5, 2003, 12:55 p.m.
The Detailed Threat
U.S. takes a chance.
By Stephen Bryen
...... Some dramatic new details about Iraq's mobile germ-warfare laboratories were provided to the world, both revealing how they are internally configured (based on defector reports) and how they can produce biological agents in "dusty" form. <b>A "dusty" agent (Powell referred to the agents as in a "dry" form) is much more dangerous than a liquid agent, as we discovered here in the U.S. with the anthrax attacks. .......</b>
....... General Powell challenged the U.N. Security Council, pointing out that if the Council did not act it was in "danger or irrelevance." There is no doubt the U.S. took a considerable risk in revealing much sensitive intelligence, and making it easier for Saddam to better hide his communications and the "profiles" of his WMD weapons sites in the future. For this reason alone it is urgent to make sure that he is not given any time to do so. The time to act and smash Saddam is now.
— Stephen Bryen served as a deputy undersecretary of defense in the Reagan administration and as a staff director of Near East Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He is currently a managing director at Aurora Defense.
<b>Now....Stephen Bryen is "cashing in"....he's president of a defense contractor....no doubt because of his connections to other neocons in the DOD. His wife, Shoshona is still <a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&q=iran+Shoshana+Bryen&btnG=Search">the voice</a>, and the force behind JINSA:</b>
PETER URBAN purban@ctpost.com
Connecticut Post Online Article Created: 4/07/2005 04:23 AM
WASHINGTON — In what a fellow Democrat referred to as a "sneak attack," Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., won Senate approval for a measure that essentially took a slap at AgustaWestland — Sikorsky Aircraft's Marine One nemesis.
The Dodd amendment would prohibit companies involved in the manufacture of the Marine One presidential helicopter from doing business with Iran, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Cuba or North Korea, countries that the State Department says sponsor terrorism.
"We cannot afford for critical American technology to fall into the hands of terrorist states," Dodd said.
Dodd offered the amendment in response to recent news reports that representatives of Finmeccanica, the Italian conglomerate behind the AgustaWestland EH-101, attended an air show in Kish, Iran, hoping to do business with that nation.
Dodd pointed out that <b>President Bush has named Iran a member of the "Axis of Evil"</b> and the State Department claims it is a sponsor of international terrorism.....
...... A spokesman for Finmeccanica told the Connecticut Post last month that <b>the company has a clear policy forbidding any sale of military systems to Iran by Finmeccanica or its subsidiaries.</b>
<b>"Finmeccanica won't sell any helicopter or helicopter system to Iran.</b> We are good partners of the United States. Absolutely," said Gino Colangelo, executive vice president of the DePlano Group in New York City, which represents the Italian aerospace company.
<b>Six weeks earlier, Finmeccanica executive, Stephen Bryen, told an NBC reported the exact opposite.....he justified his company's doing business with Iran:</b>
European firms display wares in Iran
Visit to air show documents companies with Pentagon contracts hoping to do business with America's adversary
By Lisa Myers & the NBC investigative unit
Updated: 7:38 p.m. ET Feb 23, 2005
KISH, Iran - As President Bush pressures European allies to get tougher with Iran, NBC News got a rare glimpse inside the country — at an Iranian air show attended by some of the world's leading military contractors eager to do business with America's adversary.
On the island of Kish, mullahs mixed with Ukrainian generals amid photos of the Ayatollah Khomeini. Iran's contempt for the United States was clear — emblazoned underneath a helicopter, in Farsi: "Death to America."
It's generally illegal for American companies to do business with Iran. But NBC News found more than a dozen European defense and aviation firms eager to fill the void. Some do business with the Pentagon, yet they were actively selling their wares to Iran.
"We sell to Iran [sic] Air Force," said Francois Leloup from Aerazur, a French company that markets fighter pilot vests, anti-gravity suits and other protective gear for military pilots.
"We sell mainly to security people like police," said Arnaud Chevalier with Auxiliaire Technique, which was representing a group of companies at its exhibition booth. Some of the brochures on dispay showed tank helmets, communication systems for light armored vehicles and an "infantry headset." Chevalier said such equipment was "not for sale."
NBC News showed our video from the air show to arms expert John Pike, director of the nonprofit organization GlobalSecurity.org.
"I think that the Europeans would sell their grandmothers to the Iranians if they thought they could make a buck," says Pike.
Also exhibiting at the show — European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS) and its subsidiary Eurocopter — which has launched a campaign in the United States to get a bigger share of Pentagon contracts, featuring ads that wrap the company in the American flag.
But if the company is so pro-American, why is it ignoring U.S. policy to isolate Iran?
"As a European company, we're not supposed to take into account embargoes from the U.S.," says Michel Tripier, with EADS.
"The emphasis here is on our civil helicopters. We are not offering military helicopters here," he adds.
<b>Yet, prominent on the company's video in Iran — a military helicopter.
"It says 'Navy' in their own promotional videotape," says John Pike. "I guess they're hoping Iran's navy is going to want to buy it."</b>
EADS says the helicopter just happened to be on the video, and that it abides by U.S. and European rules against selling military goods to Iran.
<b>Another company, Finmeccanica, recently won a contract to build a new version of the presidential helicopter, Marine One, as part of a group led by U.S. contractor Lockheed Martin.
It was also in Kish showing off its helicopters to Iran.
"This company is building the American president's new helicopter, and they're trying to trade with the enemy!" exclaims Pike.</b>
Steven Bryen used to be the Pentagon official responsible for preventing technology from going to countries like Iran. Now he's the president of Finmeccanica in the United States. Does he think Iran is an enemy of the United States?
<b>"I think they're our enemy at this point," says Bryen. "I mean, they're behaving like our enemy."
So why would Bryen's company trade with an enemy?
"In Europe, they don't call it the enemy," he says. "If it's a civilian item that doesn't threaten anyone, then I don't have a problem with that."</b>
European subsidiaries of NBC's parent company, General Electric, have sold energy and power equipment to Iran, but GE recently announced it will make no new sales. (MSNBC is a Microsoft-NBC joint venture.)
Still, even with the president now pushing hard to isolate Tehran, European allies are likely to continue their role as what one company called, "a reliable partner for Iran."
Was Presidential Helicopter Deal a Pay Off for Italy's Pre-War Yellow-Cake Intel Role?
New America Media, Special Investigative Report, Jeffrey Klein and Paolo Pontoniere, May 11, 2006
SAN FRANCISCO-Italian journalists and parliamentary investigators are hot on the trail of how pre-Iraq War Italian forged documents were delivered to the White House alleging that Saddam Hussein had obtained yellowcake uranium ore from Niger.
New links implicating Italian companies and individuals with then-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi now raise the question of whether Berlusconi received a payback as part of the deal -- namely, a Pentagon contract to build the U.S. president's special fleet of helicopters....
...........In February of 2005, just a month after it was awarded the Marine One contract, <b>Finmeccanica was pitching its helicopters in Iran, at Kish's annual international air show. (See http://www.iran-airshow.com/exhibitors.htm) When questioned about this by the Connecticut Post, a spokeswoman for AgustaWestland, Finmecannica's wholly owned subsidiary charged with building the new Marine One, said the company was not involved in the air show and had not sold anything to Iran in the last 20 years. But Steven Bryen, the president of Finmeccanica in the United States, conceded to NBC's Lisa Meyers that Finmeccanica does business with Iran. Why? "In Europe, they don't call it the enemy," Bryen said.....</b>
stevo, did Stephen Bryen, the neocon, former executive director of JINSA, former undersecretary at DOD under Reagan, a man accused, before he "served" in the Reagan administration, of passing along classified material to a mossad agent, a man who hyped false justification for invading Iraq in 2003,
<b>seem worried about the "threat" that Iran poses to the U.S....just one year ago?</b>
He seems preoccupied with "selling" his connections in exchange for an executive spot in a European defense contractor that has already parlayed it's strategy into a lucrative and high profile "contract" to build the new fleet of helicpoters for the POTUS. If Bryen is as "afraid" of Iran as he was in his "shilling" of Saddam and "anthrax attacks", WTF was he doing defending his company's participation, a year ago, in an exhibition of advanced helicopter technology.....in....Iran?
A year ago, Stephen Bryen said that Iran is <b>behaving like an enemy...</b>
...but if it means making money, he'll work as an executive for a company that trades with Iran. stevo....the policy is all about making money for the connected "few", and hyping enough "fear" into the sheeple to keep them voting for the regime that will keep them from "getting hit". It's the same regime that was "on watch" when we did "get hit".....by what they described as hijacked jetliners in a plot masterminded by a cave dwelling "kidney patient", and by a mysterious, and 4-1/2 years later...."unsolved" series of anthrax attacks that conveniently "terrorized" only politicians who were democrats.
These are the same folks that were totally wrong about the Iraqi WMD threat,
unless you believe that the world's most sophisticated satellite spy network "missed" the uprooting and transfer to Syria of the stockpiles and manufacturing infrastructure or the entire WMD "stash". The spy satellite network also seems to have conviently failed to snap even one shot of flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon....and the Pentagon proved unable to even defend itself from an attack ordered by the cave dwelling kidney patient.
Don't you ever have any doubts about what they want you to think, stevo?