Once again I feel compelled to put in my 10 cents. Its a BOOK as so many before me have stated. I, however, think that the christians and other groups as well are being more or less (in my opinion) hypocrites about the whole thing. This is not meant to offend anyone mind you, but seriously, if its so terrible, why are they all capitalizing on it? Why make money off of something so "evil and vile"? I myself am pagan, which is neither here nor there, but I do not begrudge the christians their faith. It is their right to believe what they will. But a boon if you please... let those of us who see it as pure entertainment based off a work of pure FICTION, as it says on the side of the book mind you, enjoy the blasted movie in peace. I refer to the Bible as the "christian book of fables" again this is not meant to offend anyone, but I do not look down on anyone who lives by it as law. I just wish that the christians would spend more time living by the rules of their book and not "judging" or "preaching on deaf ears" or forgetting to "love one another". (Once again no harm meant nor offense, please just take it as one persons opinion and not an insult to anyones intelligence nor a dig on a branch of faith.)