Originally Posted by shesus
Where I teach now, they use 'f' for 'th', 'b' for 'p', and many other substitutions that makes them near impossible to understand.
I've heard some accents on the British TV shows ono and I watch where a person pronounces 'th' as 'f.' Ono wouldn't believe me because it was subtle, but I noticed it every single time until she finally heard it loud and clear.

It takes some getting used to, and it definitely sounds less educated (I think that may be why the character(s) I've seen speak that way do so: they're fairly blue collar). Now, for kids in the US to speak this way...that I find interesting.
Thankfully I can't say I've noticed any blatent mispronunciations of the word Saturday. Unless I'm not reading the pronunciation that is intended, I don't think "Sadderday" is particularly bad. Saturday isn't exactly an easy word to bother with aspirating t's when said in normal conversation. Expecting people to do so, I think, is being overly picky. I can annunciate quite well when I need to for performing, but expecting that level of annunciation in faster-paced, daily speech is a bit silly.