Originally Posted by host
By about 2012....there should be enough strain on the economy, aggravated by the collapse of U.S. spending power and energy and raw material scarcity to initiate <a href="http://www.kwaves.com/kond_overview.htm">a sustained period of massive deflation</a>....as the Fed's losing strategy to inflate the U.S. economy out of it's debt woes, inevitably fails, demand collapses, and money (not "fiat paper") is king.
I suppose you could look at what happened during the Great Depression as a guide. There was massive price appreciation in real estate with massive amounts of speculation in some markets. This was followed by massive declines in values during the depression. Investors who had the ability to buy when everyone else needed to sell made tons of money. Those who could hold, did o.k. over time. If what you think is going to actually happen, you should sell now, buy gold and wait for the buying opportunity of all buying opportunities. I am opptimistic about our national ability to avoid a major financial catastrophy, I am going to keep putting my savings into a mix of investments including real estate. My regret is that I did not know 20 years ago what I know today.