Fake it. Actions become habits. You are your habits.
Hey Hundove. I totally understand and feel really sad because that's how you've come across. For people that are really outgoing it's hard for them to understand that it's a real problem. But I have to agree with Toaster. I'm sort of in the middle. I hate public speaking, break out in sweats and feel physically sick. Hence, I don't do much or try and get out of anything of the sort. I do however, have to go and be social at networking functions, and I find it really, really hard. One on one, I don't have a problem, although initial meetings I still find a little daunting. I know I have a problem with this, but I really do have to push myself to do these functions because I know it's good for me. For me, I think it's stemmed from just enjoying being on my own. Unfortunately, this stunted my social skills and I have to remind myself to get out there.
What don't you like about yourself? You need to identify what it is you're not happy with and work towards fixing it. Share it with us and we'll try and help you Hundove.