Lifting weights did it for me. Got me in better shape, boosted my self esteem (the first time I benched 225 was a life changing event for me), and got my testosterone flowing.
I used to be 275 lbs bottom of the bucket, NO self esteem, piece of crap. In high school I had 2 friends, and both constantly made fun of me.
Now I'm 230 lbs (went up from being my all time low of 205) and since then my confidence is up, girls pay more attention to me, and guys respect me. I went from being bottom of the bucket scum to lower level "Alpha male" (If you believe in it).
I don't really have to approach anyone anymore, and am able to confidently start conversations and do things without the help of a wingman.
Still intimidated by public speaking, but not scared shitless like I used to be... as for the group work thing I'm the same but it's because I'm an
introvert (or so the Myers-Briggs test told me so). You may be the same way.
I used to feel the same way about being rejected from jobs. I’d beat myself up. Why didn’t I say this, why didn’t I say that, etc. Now I just say fuck ‘em, they thought I was too good for them anyway. But don’t let this go to your head. ALWAYS, always in moderation.
If I can help, let me know bro. I’ve been there, I remember. It sucked and I was always bummed, depressed even.
Hope this helped!